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Club Documents


The Constitution is the set of rules under which the club is governed. A simple majority in a secret ballot vote at two consecutive TGMs is required for an amendment to the Constitution. Please contact if you have any motions, comments or questions. The version presented here is valid from Hilary 2011.

Code Of Practice

The Code of Practice is the set of guidelines within which the Club must operate. Please contact if you have any comments or questions. The version presented here is valid from Trinity 2010.

Trip Leader Safety Document

The Club's Committee recognises that safety on trips is a priority. The Club's Trip Leader Safety Document is incorporated into the Code of Practice. It ensures that for every Club Trip to a specific location the Trip Leaders have a sufficient level of experience to lead the trip in a safe manner. It also specifies the responsibilities of the committee in the selection of Trip Leaders and the responsibilities of Trip Leaders. Every Trip Leader is given a copy and must sign each term's Trip Leaders' Agreement to say that he or she has read it and will adhere to it. Please contact if you have any comments or questions. A simple majority in a secret ballot vote at a TGM is required to amend the Trip Leader Safety Document. The version presented here is valid from Michaelmas 2014.

Risk Assessment

The Trip and Safety Coordinator updates the Club's Risk Assessment on an annual basis. Every Trip Leader is given a copy and must sign each term's Trip Leaders' Agreement to say that he or she has read it and will adhere to it. Please contact if you have any comments or questions. The version presented here is valid from Michaelmas 2014.


Documents from previous Termly General Meetings (TGM)